Monday, May 25, 2015

The year of 21.

This is my annual Birthday blog post, blah blah ablah...

So, last year I created a list of things that I wanted to do before I turned 22, I can reassure you that, not everything was checked off. Mind you, I did manage to accomplish a vast majority of it, so I am pleased with myself.

My year of being 21 was full of goodbyes and hellos. All of my friends from Australia, who I met at 19, travelled back to their homes in Australia and ended their fairy tale adventures. It crushed me, I will be friends with all of them for the rest of my life, as thanks to Facebook and iMessage I can pester them with cat videos, unicorn pictures and action hero trailers. SnapChat is also great for just simple pestering, and bragging. (I'm still in London after all ;]) To save myself from missing my Aussies terribly, in the summer they travelled back to Auz or went travelling around Europe, so I thought it best to throw myself into work. I became a crazy workaholic, I managed, over the summer before school started, to complete 4 work placements related to Costume Design in some way. I helped out a little bit, on an outdoor theatre production of Richard III. I didn't work as much on it as I had hoped because I still had an actual paid job that I had to go to. After Richard III I spent 3 days at a wig makers and made a fully useable moustache for their company, I learned so much! It was just so inspiring.  I worked at the Royal Albert Hall in my time when I wasn't doing placements, I still work there, I sell programs, it is super glamorous. I then did a 6-7 week internship with a milliner, Noel Stewart. It was at this internship that I discovered the Fashion realm is not for me. I did fashion week, I was at the Somerset House and things were CRAZY.

I also said hello to a new house, I can not tell you how living in this house has changed me and made me grow into a person I am quite proud of, thank you Gudrun, Hayley and Bushra. Around the same time I moved in, my brother flew over to visit!!!I said both hello and goodbye in the space of a week, It was the best week of the summer. We did so many things and it was just really amazing to see him as I hadn't seen him in a year. A year is far too long, but these are the little sacrifices we take to pursue dreams, to the both of us, I am proud of us. (I'm also really proud of my brother because he is starting his acting career perfectly, he's done 2 or 3 shows in 2015 and he is an inspiration to me.)

I should also mention that during the summer there was a possibility that I may not go back to my second year of school, tuition fees and costs of living, it became a little bit much for me, but I set up a crowdfunding website and was able to get enough together so that I could come back!

 I then spent a week, before the start of Uni, up in Scotland working at the Ryder Cup, I served fish and chips for 10 hours a day, for 7 days, I said hello to a new friendship as well, one who I would consider one of my go-to-girls. One of those people who are so beautiful in being and their essence is so refreshing and welcoming, I am so glad to have met Kate M.

A Couple days before Uni started back up again I did another work experience thing, it was for a web-series, filmed out near Cambridge, I spent only a day with that crew, but it was a lot of fun, It was there that I rediscovered my energy and drive to want to pursue Costume Design again, because by the end of my 1st year and over the summer, I wasn't really that into it, but being on set and working in the costume work room, it was just magical and inspiring.

The summer and the freshness of 21 was great, but by then end of the 1st term and Christmas coming up, I was getting bummed out and depressed, because I wasn't going home for Christmas. I felt like a toddler wanting to throw a tantrum. I just wanted to scream and cry and get all my emotions out, but instead I got a Job at Harrods in the Toy Kingdom, as an Elf, and distracted myself that way. It was not healthy, I realise that now. I also spent New Years surrounded by people I knew, but didn't know too well, I spent my New Years in Bristol at Kate's new settlement. I got messily drunk and the next day was the most cleansing day I've ever had in my entire existence. January 1st was the day that I decided that 2015 was going to be my year. It was a little walk that Kate and I took, in our hungover, gross state, it started to rain, we didn't bring an umbrella and we got absolutely soaked to the bone. I haven't experienced the power of nature like that since I was very young.

The vow I made to myself, that 2015 would be my year, has definitely worked in my favour. I have put a lot of effort into my uni projects I finished a full working costume of my own design and creation, which was recently shown at Windsor Castle (see pictures below).  I also must tell you that it was around the end of January that we were briefed on our essay project, which we had to write in pairs. This is about the time that I said hello to a friend, Holly, I know will stick with me, and I with her, for a long time. She looked at me when the time came to find out essay partners and with a look, the words "Wanna be my partner?" and a nod, history was made. I was also around the end of January that, out of frustration and dissatisfaction that I reached out to a very significant person.
(I must explain something here to make this, make sense: Holly and I liked the idea of Disney Princesses for our essay topic, So with the recent release of the live action Cinderella I thought wouldn't it be great if there was a quote from Sandy Powell, the cinderella costume designer, that was in our essay.)
I searched the web for interviews, and started some initial research for our essay, that Sandy Powell had done, dissatisfied with the answers and questions, I made an attempt to get in touch with Sandy. the title of my blog is "Why not go out on a limb, that is where the fruit is." I went out on the limb, I can tell you the fruit is better than anything in the world. Holly and I had an interview with Sandy Powell for our essay, it went really well and I could not have done it alone. Doing this essay in pairs is probably the highlight of the year. Holly really helped to encourage and inspire me to keep going, she is one of the most beautiful beings on the planet, I am talking strictly about her looks. (I am seriously kidding)

After the interview and hype, I learned that some of my friends from Canada were coming over to europe for a month, they asked to stay at mine and of course I said yes! They mentioned that they were going to France after England, and I asked to tag along, sure enough I made it to France in 2015, in hindsight, I probably shouldn't have gone, for financial reasons, but I needed to look forward to something, because it was at this point I was getting really homesick. By homesick I mean I was missing my mummy, it was 1 year and 6 months since I had given her a hug, at that point it was too long. I said hello and goodbye to my Canadian amigos after spending a week with them. A couple days after, one of my fellow Seaton graduates made a stop in London after being in India for 3 months, she and her girlfriend were so inspiring and it was so interesting to hear all they had seen and accomplished, they really inspired me and made me realise all the different paths available in this life.

My Easter break was full and non-stop, the last 2 weeks Holly and I finished our essay and kept in contact with Sandy. When we did our interview with her she mentioned that she would like to read our essay, so we sent it off along with the question "We have a work placement section of our course coming up, do you have anything or know of anyone who would be able to offer us anything?" She replied with a yes, yes she had something for us. Work placement with Sandy was in the works for about a month as she is an incredibly busy lady, we understood and were reasonably flexible with dates. I was so excited and so was Holly, we couldn't believe what we had accomplished. I am so proud of us. All I wanted to do was tell my mum and give her a hug, luckily Holly's mum is good at sharing excitement and giving hugs. Sarah is a wonderful woman, Holly, you have a great mum.

April felt like a big month and even though May is not over it also feels like a big month. Around the middle of April I got a call from my mum, she broke the news to me that she had bought a plane ticket to England and would be here for my Windsor Castle Costume Parade. Not a thing will top this year, it keeps getting better and better. She was only over here for a week, but it was the best week ever. 1 year, 8 months and 4 days was the amount of time that we had spent apart. I really love my mum, she is my hero, she has done so much for my brother and I and I cannot think of anyone who I love more. When she was over and when I gave her the first hug, of many while she was here, it felt like we had never been apart. now that she is back in Canada it feels a little bit weird, but describing the week with any other word, other than perfect just wouldn't put it rightly. Part of her trip was also to see the Alexander McQueen; Savage Beauty exhibition, because in 2011, it was either a plane ticket to England or a trip to New York, I chose better in saving this exhibition until now. It was so exquisite, inspiring, brave, breathtaking and powerful. I think it wa my mum's highlight.

So, the lead up to my birthday was huge, my mum was here, I got offered a work placement with Sandy Powell, I had my show at Windsor Castle and I still have uni projects to finish. So my mind wasn't in the birthday spirit, but I am in a really happy and fulfilled place right now. I have so much to look forward to and the rest of 2015 is going to be one of the best. Some of my Aussies are returning in July, my work placement will eye opening, my 3rd and final year will commence. I am very grateful for everything that has happened in my life, I am surrounded by women who inspire me and by men who I feel respect me. My peers at school are also all incredible and I know the friendships I am building will last for life.

21 has been one of the greatest years, and for my 22nd year, I just want to be happy. Here's to 22!!!!

This is the best photo of my costume that I could find.

Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2015. Photographer: Todd Whites

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

 I thought about sending cards to everyone this year, but my bank account will just not allow it. Through this blog post, I can reach all of you, and you don't have to feel guilty recycling yet another card. It's a win for everyone!!!

I just want to wish you all a very merry Christmas, and cherish the time with your loved ones and friends. As much as you may hate them, take the time to really appreciate the company you keep.

I wish all of you the best this Christmas and hope that you get all the right gifts and well wishes.

With much love and hugs,
Devon <3

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Episode 1, Contractors Wake Up Call

New Series "Pixie Dust Diaries"

Episode 1, Contractors Wake up Call.

Last night I went to bed on the fact that a little boy, who was very shy and had to have his mummy speak for him, tell me that I looked like Elsa from Frozen. Can I just say, I have unlocked the 'Ultimate Hair Goals' achievement. Also, having a short pixie cut, that changes every 4 months, I feel like my year has just reached a new level of success. (It's through moments like these that I understand the phrase "take joy in the little things," when in fact, this is a 'big' thing...) So, I went to bed feeling great, and because of going to bed feeling great, there is an assumption that waking up feeling great, follows. I would have felt great if the contractors pouring concrete outside my bedroom window, were young hot and had their shirts off (materialistic-blonde-with-high-expectations), but this is reality, so as you can imagine, they're old. One of them is from England and the other 4 are from some European country and I can't understand what they're all shouting at, or about. This is by far better then my soothing alarm, which gets louder as I ignore it. If I ignore my alarm I fear waking my housemates. I feel like how a house-cat feels, when left outside in the rain. Put-out and feeling as if the universe does not, in fact, revolve around me. (I'm not a privileged princess, but I like to think I am.) My fear of waking my housemates was dashed, as the contractors did the waking for me.

My day certainly got better, and then extremely worse, and right back up to an ultimate high, in which no one can bring me down from, as follows. I went to see my first Opera today! Although, besides being in English, I couldn't understand a lyric. It was a terrible first experience, but I am glad I had it, I caught up on some sleep. It was so un-grasping that I fell asleep, three times, during the performance. Which I feel so terribly about, these performers and musicians were entertaining me and I was falling asleep and not doing my part as a productive audience member. There were even subtitles, which I did not have a seat that could read them. However my day did get much much better after that, I went and caught up with some of my friends and did some fabric shopping, which proved challenging. I did manage to get a lot done yesterday. Once I was home, I quickly ate some dinner and was out again as my housemates had a film screening for their short animation films. It was such a lovely evening, I experienced so much. Both my housemates are so talented, it really inspired me to push myself and to see and do more.

As I am posting this a day after, the contractors are still present, and still up at the crack of dawn.
Sleep - 0
Reality - 1

See you soon!
Devon =)

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Feel good for me. Feel bad for him.

Not much to report to be honest, I am busy with uni work and work work. I would post a picture of my schedule, but I don't really feel like being followed home, or to work. Just rest assured that I am actually busy and have no time for anything. It amazes me that I can get everything done that I need to. Working so that I can pay rent, so that I can live in a house to go to school. Working to pay for school and food so that I can be a functioning adult. Work work work!

I have some good news though!!! I have work experience coming up, and a job that I so desperately want, as a Costume Apprentice at the Royal Opera House. I am contorted into a ball of crossed limbs, a miracle I can even write this.

I also have a new industry contact/friend! I classify this as I have his number and email address. I feel  little bad for the bloke, cause he doesn't know what will happen when I get an idea and want to go through with it. A storm of "We Must!" and "We Have To!" will bombard his email and phone. poor guy, feel bad for him, but please feel good for me. ;)

Until again! When I am not dead on the floor from pure exhaustion.

Devon =)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

21 things to do before turning 22

So, *awkward laughs* I've decided to bring this up again. I'm sticking to it though, I have a plan. (As so many good intentions are started.)

I was having a lovely little chat with my good friend Holly on my Birthday, which, if you look at my last post (a year ago. LOL). Anyway we were talking about how the time of firsts is basically over, but I have just turned 21, a twenty "first." it then got me thinking of a million firsts that I could still accomplish. So I have complied a list of  21 things to do before turning 22.

I will post when I remember, as I am not good with routine, I am sure there is evidence to support this.. (lol)

This is my list:

o   See a Westend show
o   Be a tourist for a day and see the London Eye, St. Paul’s, and Westminster Abbey.
o   Have an Alice in Wonderland themed day and go for High tea.
o   Go to Devon
o   See Stone Henge
o   Travel to: Dublin
§  Manchester
§  York
§  Liverpool
§  Bristol
§  Brighton
§  Cambridge
o   Be physically fit
o   Have a £2100 in savings for a trip to Australia
o   Try 21 new food dishes
o   Spend 21 days, throughout the year, without being connected to the internet
o   Design a Fall/Winter Collection and create it
o   Go see 21 exhibitions
o   Work in/on a film
o   Read 21 new books
o   Buy really expensive shoes (like rent money, SJP shoes)
o   Go to Madame Tussauds
o   Go to 11 gigs in London
o   Make 21 new contacts/friends
o   Travel out of the country 21 times:
·      Paris
·      Germany
·      Netherlands
·      Iceland
·      Switzerland
·      Russia
·      Austria
·      Belgium
·      Spain
·      India
·      Japan
·      Korea
·      China
·      Italy
·      Greece
·      New York
·      Hawaii
·      Australia
·      South Africa
·      Egypt
·      Brazil
o   Host a dinner party (Thanksgiving?)
o   Visit 21 new places in/around London
Now I realise that some of the traveling I won't be able to accomplish, but I dreamt i would be in London, so I firmly believe that anything is possible. When I next post it will be to tell you what I can check off my list. 

Also, I found out today that my brother is coming over in 95 days, so there will also be a count down for that. BEST NEWS OF MY LIFE. My Grandad and aunt are also coming over in 28 days, literally buzzing. I head over to Ireland in July, so I thought it was kind of cheating if I put Ireland on the list, I made plans before I turned 21 to go to Northern Ireland.

Catch you later! Byyyeee!!
Devon =)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Indecisive, Whiney, Dreamer, 20yr old baby.

First of all, it's been a while, second of all, this post will be short and sweet for a change.

I recently have gotten a job while in London, I hate it. I hate what I'm doing, I hate the hours, I hate it all. There is nothing about this job that is fulfilling in any way.

I've also decided that I am going to continue to hate doing mundane jobs some more, and it seems like all I do is whine, well yes, you are correct. I'm turning into one of the loudest, crying, whiny, baby 20 year olds that you will ever meet. To be honest, I'm not proud of that fact, I've also, just in the past hour, become okay with the fact that I will be turning 20 tomorrow and saying "Adios" to my teenage years. Just like how one of my friends back home is going to Mexico, to be set up on many a hot date by one of our friends who lives there. He's going to leave burnt, and leave others burnt too.

Going into my 20's I've decided, well, not really, sort of, yes and no...No, I've decided- WAIT. I'm not sure... I can tell you that I am the most annoyingly, indecisive human being.

I can say this because I have proof, when I go out to eat, I can never make up my mind in the time frame that is given. I have to weigh all my options. Annoyingly so, this year I have called my mum more times then I care to admit about "I don't know what I want, I'm just not sure. I mean, I want to be a clothing designer, that's what I've always wanted to do, but costume is where I think I will be great, and my tutors think so too." Ultimately, taking a Bachelors in Costume design is the best thing for me, but for the past month I have been really unsure. Until today, like when I eat, I went with my gut feeling. It's always the gut feeling I go back to, the knee jerk response, something I get really excited over. Which is aspiring to be like, Galliano, Biddell, Gaultier and Tracey. I feel that McQueen is too main stream, oh how fashionably hipster of me, and people only love the brand because of the death of Lee, and that it's the only high fashion brand they know. Miss Cambridge is to thank for that.

So here are my goals and my plans, and please, if I steer clear of these plans, direct me back to this post. Save it in your bookmarks bar, that way it's on hand cursor.

There is no way in hell I will be able to afford to pay for my 3 years of school and living in London, so I will be taking another productive year to save up some mula to get my butt back in England. Sooner rather then later, I miss the city already and I haven't even left.

I will also work on some projects of my own to build my design portfolio. I have been given the basics this year and that's all I need to get me going.

Also, if anyone knows of an agent to do some on the side modelling, life style modelling, I'm only 5'2 1/2. The midget of the family.

Last goal, to be back in England, for or before February. I will work 6 jobs if I need to, I am fully prepared to have absolutely no life, this is what dreams are made of.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Life Rules:

The past 2 weeks have been a complete turn around. I have a job, I am at Uni doing what I actually came for and I've made some new friends and gone and acted my age on some nights out. I've also rekindled friendships I had back in Canada. It seems like I have everything I could have ever wanted.

My hitch now, I have no idea what it, actually, is that I want to do after this year. I have a plan, go to Australia, work a bunch, come back to London and continue my studies. But, I'm not even sure if that is what I want to do anymore. I can say that I have completely enjoyed this year, I would not have changed anything. I learned so much about myself and learned some pretty interesting things in the art and Fashion worlds. Although, now that this year is coming towards a close I can't help but feeling a little lost, maybe even confused. My problem is that I know that what I want, which is to be designing and you don't, really, need a degree. I mean yes it is nice to have, and gets you a little further ahead, but you can get by just fine without it. I know that any education is valuable, but if it's going to set you back, financially, it it really worth it?

Growing up I've always had experiences, camping, moving towns, sports, family outings, living in the suburbs and on acreage, going to Disneyland, travelling for medical reasons. I've cherished every single one of those memories, and I can say I have lived quite a lot and I'm only 19. All my experiences have been with very little money, which brought on the doubt about continuing my studies. I could do it, I know I can, without a degree or a certificate, some of the best people in the business never went to college and have won Oscars. So often I dream about having a fabulous life, there are so many places I want to go and live, but staying in college would deprive me of some of those experiences. I would much rather spend my money on living the life I want, then to spend it on something that's  going to get me just a little further ahead. I've been independent for as long as I can remember and the thought about being attached to something for 3 years, which is a very long time and is going to cost me more, in time and money, is a little frightening. I can remember when I was first learning to fasten my own coat zipper, I smacked my mum's hands away and shouted at her "I can do it!!" From then on I think I subconsciously knew that I can do anything I wanted. Proven by my stubbornness and independence. I've always done my own thing, I moved away form a tiny town in Canada to the big city in England, a 10 hour plane journey. Yes I was homesick, now I feel free and in charge of my own life. Which is probably why I am so lost and confused. I don't have anyone to tell me "Yes this is what you should be doing." I am making my own rules, which is really terrifying to come to terms with. If they taught this in high school, think of how much better off we would be?

I think what I've having the most trouble with, is that I want to do it all. I want to travel, I want to go to school, I want to have a fun filled life, i want to meet amazing people, but I don't want any restrictions. I want to be able to fly the nest, come and go as I please and just live. I don't want to be bogged down by simple things, I want my life to be one of the best stories that a stranger will ever hear. I just need a way that I can do this, I think that is what i am going to spend the next year doing. Coming up with a way that I can support myself and have the freedom to do whatever I fee like.

I don't think this post has made any sense, but we'll go with it. I do feel better, a little. =)